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Heating and Air Conditioning System Basics


Image by JoeBensonAC CC BY-SA 4.0 Wikimedia Commons

You use a air conditioning and heating system at home and at work so that everybody stays warm when it is freezing cold outside and stays cool when it is hot outside.

The job of a cooling and heating system (HVAC) seems pretty straightforward. It moves heat to where you want it and moves it away from where you don’t want it.

It doesn’t seem too difficult to understand how air conditioning and heating systems basically work.

However, there will be times when you don’t seem to understand what is happening.

  • Your energy bill goes sky high for seemingly no reason at all.
  • You don’t always get the same level of cooling and heating comfort from your system.
  • The air conditioning and heating system performs erratically.
  • The system frequently breaks down.

When one or more of these things happen repeatedly, it may be time to get professional air conditioning and heating service.

Why do cooling and heating systems become inefficient, break down, or fail? Dirt, wear-and-tear, and neglect seem to be among the top reasons why your unit is giving you a headache.

The best way to avoid problems is to schedule regular air conditioning and heating repair and maintenance.

A qualified technician understands air conditioning and heating system basics. He has the necessary training. He can perform the following tasks efficiently:

  • Check and change the air filter regularly.

Grime tends to build up in your unit, especially during winter or summer when your unit has to work overtime. The air filter prevents this buildup.

When you don’t schedule the air filter for cleaning, your unit is likely to break down early.  It may need frequent and expensive maintenance.

You can avoid such problems by calling for professional HVAC repair to clean your filters or to change them when necessary. Experts usually advise that you need to change your filters every quarter.

  • Give your system the tune-up that it needs.

To avoid complicated problems, it is best to have a qualified technician tune up your system every so often.

It is prudent to schedule tune-ups with air conditioning and heating repair near me at favorable times.

Heating and cooling technicians usually have full schedules during summers and winters. Contact a technician in spring to tune-up your cooling system. Contact a technician in the fall for heating repair or tune-up.

  • Check the thermostat.

A technician has to test out thermostat settings to see if the thermostat is functioning properly based on programmed temperatures.

  • Check all the electrical connections.

Faulty electrical connections can undermine the safety and proper functioning of your system. Major components may get damaged before their time.

A technician will check all electrical connection in case they have become loose through time. He will also measure the motors’ voltage and current to make sure that everything is alright.

  • Keep the unit properly lubricated.

A lot of problems can arise from a lack of proper lubrication. The motors can suffer from constant friction. The system will require more energy to run (and bring your energy bill higher). You will have to replace parts and schedule repairs more often.

  • Examine the condensate drain in your system.

A faulty condensate drain can cause water damage. It can affect the humidity levels inside your house. It can also promote the growth of mold and bacteria.

Hire professionals in air conditioning and heating near me to check your condensate drain regularly.


You want your system to perform with consistent efficiency. The best thing you can do to guarantee this is to get in touch with HVAC contractors who can check and maintain your unit.

Call Air Repair Pros immediately if you want your air conditioning and heating system to remain in tip-top shape at all times.

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