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Heating and Cooling Maintenance Tips


Are you looking for the best cooling and heating maintenance tips? If yes, this article is for you. An HVAC system plays a critical role in improving your home’s overall environment and keeping your family comfortable.

However, not maintaining the equipment at least two times a year can take a toll on the AC or furnace and your finances. When an HVAC system undergoes problems, it is crucial to hire HVAC repair near me to fix the issues and ensure it runs optimally. Here are a few cooling and heating maintenance tips.

Heating and Cooling Maintenance

Maintaining your HVAC system can improve its performance and increase its overall lifespan. For example, experts recommend installing a programmable thermostat because it can cut your energy bills by 10% to 20% every month.

In addition, when you insulate and ventilate your attic, you can keep the indoor space warmer in winter and cooler in the summer. Avoid putting furniture items on top or near the vents. If you use ceiling fans, make sure they rotate counterclockwise during the winter season.

The purpose is to push warm air back into the indoor space. Besides, turning the thermostat down a few degrees becomes essential when hosting a large party at home. All this translates to more efficiency and comfort. Here are a few cooling and heating maintenance tips.

Use Quality Air Filters

Air Repair Pros, a professional company that offers HVAC repair near me, recommends changing air filters every month. Many homeowners do not focus on cleaning or replacing dirty air filters with new ones.

As a result, the system undergoes severe issues. You can mitigate the problem by hiring AC repair services offered by Air Repair Pros. Our qualified technician will remove the old or dirty filters and install the new ones.

Remember, a new filter significantly improves your HVAC unit’s efficiency. On the other hand, dirty filers take a toll on the equipment and cause it to work harder to achieve optimal temperature levels.

Remove Dust around Outdoor Units

Removing dirt and dust around the outdoor units is another cooling and heating maintenance tip. Debris can accumulate around the outdoor HVAC unit easily. For example, leaves fall in the autumn, and pollen blows in the spring. These environmental pollutants can deteriorate the unit’s overall performance.

So, check the outdoor unit regularly and ensure at least two feet of clearance around the AC or heat pump. If you don’t have enough time to get the job done adequately, you can hire Air Repair Pros’ AC repair services.

Our technician will remove leaves, twigs, pollen, dirt, dust, and other debris on the top or around the outdoor unit. We use quality tools and techniques to maintain the outdoor HVAC unit.

Remove Clogs

Removing clogs is another crucial cooling and heating tip for homeowners. It prevents the accumulation of algae and mold in the system, keeping it unclogged for improved performance. HVAC repair near me offered by Air Repair Pros is an excellent way to remove clogs.

For example, our technician will inspect the system and use quality cleaning agents to clean the condenser drain. That way, our technician will clean out the buildup. In addition, if you want the system to work optimally, level it on the ground. Our technicians place the equipment on pads and check it regularly to ensure they have not moved.

Check Refrigerant Lines and Carbon Monoxide Detector

Refrigerant lines with your HVAC system play a critical role in maintaining optimal cooling and heating levels. When these lines get worn, become detached, or develop leaks, the system won’t maintain comfortable temperatures.

In addition, replace the batteries in the carbon monoxide detector and the smoke alarm. Air Repair Pros’ AC repair services recommend replacing the batteries every six months to ensure safety.

Contact HVAC Repair Near Me

Preventative maintenance is essential for running the HVAC system optimally. However, most homeowners find it challenging to choose a reliable contractor. Unlike other companies, Air Repair Pros offers a comprehensive maintenance program with strategies tailored to your needs and budget.

In addition, our company offers the Comfort Club Membership Program, allowing homeowners to receive two free bi-annual tune-ups, 24/7 HVAC repair services near me, and priority support.

We have a team of qualified and skilled technicians with years of experience to ensure your system operates optimally, consumes less power, and maintains a healthy and comfortable environment in the indoor space. Contact us today for more information on cooling and heating system maintenance or repair.

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