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When to Replace Your AC: Heating and Cooling Repair in Frisco TX

Even if you regularly avail of cooling and heating repair in Frisco TX services to keep your AC in good running order, you will eventually have to get a new unit. The question is: how do you know when it is time? The first consideration is the age of the air conditioner. On average, the lifespan of an AC is ten to fifteen years. Beyond this period, the unit will no longer work as efficiently, even if you have it regularly serviced by a good Frisco Texas AC repair shop.

Calculating Repair Expenses

If your AC has broken down and you want it repaired, you can use this formula to help you decide:
Cost of Assessed Repair (X) Age of AC in years
If this amount is greater than the cost of a new unit, then you should have your air conditioner replaced. On the other hand, if it is less, then you should have your existing AC repaired. In addition, older air conditioners still use R22, a refrigerant that has been phased out by manufacturers. Thus, if your AC needs its refrigerant changed, it will be difficult to find R22. Changing it with a different refrigerant will be expensive. Another consideration is the size of your energy bills. You are probably aware that the air conditioner is one of the appliances in your home that consumes the most electricity. So when it is not working as efficiently as it should, it will use more energy and cause your bills to rise. One way of knowing the energy efficiency of your AC is by looking at its SEER (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating). Older units have a lower SEER, which means that they are using more energy than they should to cool your home. The standard SEER is thirteen, meaning that your AC’s SEER should be at least this.

AC and Heating Problems

If your AC is producing dust and excessive noise, then you should call in emergency AC repair Frisco service to look at it. They may find that there are heating problems that they can repair. On the other hand, they may also recommend that it would cost you less to have it replaced. Another issue that you may notice is excess humidity in your home. One of the functions of an air conditioner is to remove humidity in order to avoid it building up inside your house. Excess humidity will manifest itself through signs, such as mold growth even though there are no water leaks that you know about; the air inside feels muggy; there is moisture around the windows. You may also notice that your home is no longer as comfortable as it used to be when you are running the AC. Aside from indicating that your air conditioner is no longer running efficiently, it may also be a sign that your current unit is no longer correctly sized for the space it is supposed to cool. If this happens, you should call your local air condition repair Frisco TX to look over your unit. They may determine that your AC system is no longer properly sized and you need to upgrade to a new one. Of course, the ultimate sign that your air conditioner needs to be replaced is if it is constantly breaking down. If you find yourself having to avail of cooling and heating maintenance more often than you used to, then it is time that you invest in a new AC rather than racking up repair bills. It is understandable to be concerned about having to buy a new air conditioner. After all, it is a significant investment. However, you should weigh the cost against the expense of constant repair bills that are only keeping your AC going without extending its life or making it run more efficiently.

The Air Repair Pros

If you are considering buying a new air conditioner, let us help! We provide reliable and trustworthy air conditioning repair near Frisco TX. We are a preferred vendor for industry-leading Trane products, and we also offer Carrier air conditioners. Trane is one of the most trusted providers of HVAC products in the US. It has been in business for more than 100 years and is known for high-quality products. They rigorously test their products to ensure that they hold up under the toughest conditions. Although we can order any Trane model for you, we keep the popular XR16 constantly in stock in our warehouse. Our team of knowledgeable specialists can help you pick the right air conditioner for your home. We will assess your home so that we can recommend what AC you should buy that will fit your needs. They will also talk to you about what financing and warranty options are available. And once you’ve made your choice, we will install the new AC in your home. But if you just need fast AC repair in Frisco TX, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us! We provide routine inspections and preventive maintenance to ensure that your HVAC system stays in good working order. We also offer comprehensive and affordable maintenance agreements, as well as financing options. If you need emergency services, you can get in touch with us seven days a week. Our trip charge is just $67 but this is free with repairs. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so we can provide you with the best cooling and heating repair in Frisco TX.
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